This site is mmostly being used to help me be accountable for the choices I make every day in the areas of health and fitness. But since it's my blog I might insert other types of articles too.
Wednesday May 12, 2004
Published on May 12, 2004 By Damzie In Diet
An ok, but stressed out day today. It started with missing a deadline I had set for myself at work. Actually it started with waking at 5am which I hate but am glad of once I take the plunge. So I got to work early, which was good. Anyway...

Breakfast - Oatmeal Square
Snack - raw vegetables, grapes
Lunch - Turkey sandwich on french bread with cheese, avocado, sprouts, lettuce
Snack - peanut butter crackers, cottage cheese
Dinner - half a chicken chimichanga and a few chips with salsa

25 minutes on the elliptical, legs, biceps, abs

Another thing, I didn't drink as much water today as I normally do, and I think on days like this I notice that I have less stamina at the gym. Plus being stressed always has an adverse effect.

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