This site is mmostly being used to help me be accountable for the choices I make every day in the areas of health and fitness. But since it's my blog I might insert other types of articles too.
Tuesday May 11, 2004
Published on May 12, 2004 By Damzie In Diet
I had high hopes for exercise today, only to be shut out by an unexpected conflict in the evening hours. Somehow I got roped into being initiated into Tri Kappa, an Indiana sorority for adult women. I hope to meet new friends, but I was a little irritated by the trite readings they did and the singing, oh God the singing.

Breakfast - organic fig breakfast bar
Lunch - turkey sandwich
Snack - BBQ soy nuts
Dinner - assortment of horrible finger foods at Tri Kappa
Dessert - chocoloate chip cheesecake

None - see rant above

The day started off well enough, but somehow ended with eating cheesecake and no exercise. Ah well, tomorrow's another day.

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